mark trueman

My name is Mark TRUEMAN and have been practicing art all my life. I was born into a family of artists spanning four generations, and have passed it on to my son. Inspired and taught by my grandfather who painted in oils in his studio which was a brick shed in the back garden of the family home in Dartford Kent.

After leaving school I attended Medway College of Design, however I dropped out after one year as this did not suit me, so I left to become a screen printer and re-toucher, followed by thirty years in the building industry refurbing properties in central and west London.

During this period, I was an associate member of The Guild of Aviation Artists exhibiting works regularly, sold many paintings in both oil and watercolour, also works published in books.

Since moving to Bath eight years ago I have participated in The Newbridge Arts Trail turning my focus to portraits human and pet, and landscapes all in oils.

During lockdown I produced six portraits of serving police officers which became popular with the police and the BBC who featured me on two programs, filmed at the American Museum.

I paint in a traditional style using oil on canvas in all subjects however I am trying to develop a style different to what I am normally custom to which will hopefully feature in future exhibitions.